Governor Register of Interests
Governors are asked to complete a disclosure of Business and Personal Interests in the Autumn term of each academic year and at the start of each meeting.
Governors are asked to declare:
All beneficial interests, which they or any person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations, which may have dealings with the school.
Details of any other educational establishments which they govern.
Any relationships with members of school staff / governors.
To undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.
Name | Position | Interest Declared | Date Declaration Signed | Nature of Interest |
Simon Adepetun | Foundation Governor | None | 07.10.24 | |
Julie Behan | Governor | None | 07.10.24 | |
Mary Brough | Foundation Governor | None | 07.10.24 | |
Deb Feltham | Staff Governor/Headteacher | Yes | 07.10.24 | Friend is supplier of photocopier & ICT equipment (Camelott) |
Rebecca Lloyd | Chair of Finance, Buildings & Grounds Committee | Yes | 15.10.24 | Family member is a TA in school plus friends on teaching staff |
Bev Quirk | Staff Governor | None | 07.10.24 | |
Barbara Richards | Foundation Governor | None | 07.10.24 | |
Chrissy Skermer | Parent Governor | Yes | 07.10.24 | SEND Advisor for Warrington Borough Council Education Dept |
Paul Smalley | Foundation Governor | Yes | 07.10.24 | Member of QUEST Multi Academy Trust Member of Liverpool Diocesan Board of Education Employee at Edge Hill University |
Natalia Ustupska-Kubeczek | Parent Governor | None | 19.09.23 | |
Phil Thompson | LA Governor | None | 07.10.24 |