Governor Disclosure and Interests
Governors are asked to complete a disclosure of Business and Personal Interests in the Autumn term of each academic year and at the start of each meeting.
Governors are asked to declare:
- All beneficial interests, which they or any person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations, which may have dealings with the school.
- Details of any other educational establishments which they govern.
- Any relationships with members of school staff / governors.
- To undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.
Register of Interests
Mrs R Lloyd - husband's relation is a school support staff member, interest start date 14/11/16
Rev M Thorpe - married to Mrs P Thorpe Associate Governor, interest start date 10/10/17
Mrs P Thorpe - works at Edge Hill University, some students may undertake placements at SVSJ, married to Rev M Thorpe, Chair of Governors, interest start date - commencement of term of office 10/10/17
The register of interests was last reviewed in February 2022 with no changes.