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Welcome to our Nursery

We run morning sessions for two year olds in our Nursery that is set up to meet their specific needs. In our three and four year old Nursery Provision we offer a selection of morning, afternoon or full time sessions.  Our provision is run by our Nursery teacher Mrs A Lynskey and our teaching assistants: Mrs A Keates, Mrs Mak.

The teaching in our Nursery is focussed on the Prime Areas of Learning which are: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication & Language and Physical Development. We also develop the children in the Specific Areas of: Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts. Our teaching is practical with the children being supported and challenged from the adults in the sessions. The children learn in our stimulating continuous provision as well as in a combination of adult- led, teacher taught activities both individually and in small groups. At the heart of our planning are the Characteristics of Effective Learning which are: Playing and Learning, Active Learning and Thinking Critically in order that the children have the skills to support them in the next stages of their learning.

Our indoor and outdoor areas offer a multi-sensory experience with a wide variety of learning opportunities to develop the children's knowledge and skills.

Nursery Long Term Overview 2024-25

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