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Sankey Valley St James CE Primary School

Dorchester Road,

Warrington, Cheshire


Telephone: 01925 659307

Fax: 01925 231637


To email the school office:


Admin Assistant:

Mrs Val Green

Contact Us

Headteacher: Mrs Deb Feltham

Email: head@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk

Deputy Head:  Miss Louise Wheeler

Email: louise.wheeler@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk


The School Office: Mrs Val Green

Email: office@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk 


School Business Manager: Mrs Sue Callaghan

Email: busman@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk  


Safeguarding Coordinator: Mrs Colette Smith

Email: safeguarding@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk  


Chair of Governors: Rev Martin Thorpe

Email: martinthevicar@btinternet.com


Friends of Sankey Valley St James (fundraising and support group)

Email: sankeyvalleypta@gmail.com


Connect Club (before and after school childcare run by school)

Email the school office: office@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk


St James Church Westbrook (Hood Manor and Chapelford)

Email: info@stjameschurch.info or click here for additional contact information

Website: http://www.stjameschurch.info



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