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School Governors

Please see below details of our Governing Body

 Headteacher  Deb Feltham
 Chair  Rev Martin Thorpe
 Vice Chair  Phil Thompson
 Clerk  Maria Warburton
 Type  Voluntary Aided
 Electoral Ward  Great Sankey South

Type of Governor: Foundation


Appointment Date

 Term of Office End Date  Committee
 Mr Simon Adeptun 22 Feb 2018  4 February 2026

 Buildings, Finance and Grounds

 Ms Julie Behan 23 April 2015  21 April 2027

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel

 Headteacher Performance Management

 Mrs Mary Brough 1 April 2016 29 March 2028

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel

 Mr Alan Litton 12 January 2017  Ended 11 January 2021

 Buildings, Finance and Grounds

 Headteacher Performance Management

 Mrs Barbara Richards 14 September 2017  12 September 2025

 Buildings, Finance and Grounds

 Mr Paul Smalley 12 May 2016

 10 May 2024

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel

 Headteacher Performance Management

 Rev Martin Thorpe 27 July 2011  Not Specified

 Chair of Governors

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel

 Headteacher Performance Management


Mrs Polly Thorpe 12 October 2021 11 October 2025

Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel

(Previously Associate Governor) 

 Mrs Rebecca Lloyd 5 June 2016

 18 July 2027

 Buildings, Finance and Grounds (Chair)


Type of Governor: Parent


Appointment Date   

 Term of Office End Date  Committee

 Mrs Chrissy Skermer

13 February 2018            15 June 2026

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel

 Mr Phillip Thompson 21 January 2014  Ended 15 March 2021

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel (Chair)


Mrs Natalia Ustupska-Kubeczek 8 December 2021 7 December 2025

Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel


Type of Governor: Staff

 Name Appointment Date  Term of Office  Committee
 Mrs Bev Quirk 31 August 2015 12 November 2027

 Buildings, Finance and Grounds                          

Type of Governor: Co-opted

 Name Appointment Date  Term of Office  Committee
 Mrs Nicky Brown 1 May 2015  Ended 23 February 2021

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel

Type of Governor: Headteacher

 Name Appointment Date  Term of Office  Committee
 Deb Feltham 28 October 2013  Not Specified

 Buildings, Finance and Grounds

 Teaching, Learning, Progress and Personnel 

Type of Governor: Local Authority

Name Appointment Date Term of Office Committee
Phil Thompson 15 March 2021 14 March 2025

Teaching, Learning, Progress andn Personnel


Type of Governor: Observer

 Name  Term of Office  Committee
 Mrs Sue Callaghan

 Not Specified

 Miss Louise Wheeler

 Not Specified



Type of Governor: Clerk - Ms Maria Warburton

 Name  Term of Office  Committee
 Ms Maria Warburton

 Not Specified


Total Governors: 14


Governor Disclosure and Interests

Governors are asked to complete a disclosure of Business and Personal Interests in the Autumn term of each academic year and at the start of each meeting during the year.

Governors are asked to declare: 

  • All beneficial interests, which they or any person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations, which may have dealings with the school.
  • Details of any other educational establishments which they govern.
  • Any relationships with members of school staff / governors.
  • To undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.


Register of Interests

Mrs R Lloyd - a family relation is a school support staff member, interest start date 14/11/16

Rev M Thorpe - married to Mrs P Thorpe Associate Governor, interest start date 10/10/17

Mrs P Thorpe - works at Edge Hill University, students may undertake placements at SVSJ - interest start date - commencement of term of office 10/10/17

Mrs P Thorpe - married to Rev M Thorpe, Chair of Governors, interest start date - commencement of term of office 10/10/17



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